Стр. 81 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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ние феномена экопоселений, которое заключается в возрождении нравственных
ценностей и национальных традиций культуры.
Ecology (a science of house) understands by house not only place of living of
man but all his living space. Global movement of ecovillages has been formed as a
reply onto challenge of modern civilization by the middle of 90-s of the last century.
The modern civilization puts pressure on human being and ecosystem. According to
data of International Global Network of Ecovillages there are about 66 ecovillages in
USA, 16 in Canada, 24 in Australia, 5 in Finland, 19 in Germany, 10 in Spain, and 12
in Italy.
On one hand we know that Russian village is dying. And about 30 thousand ru-
ral settlements disappeared for the past decades. On the other hand, a movement by
establishing of Ecovillages and revival of ancestral homes began in our country. In
our country there are potentially all the possibilities and conditions for a revival of
ancestral homes by type of manors of the nobility of XIX century in Russia. Nature
and the natural wealth of the country are Russia's competitive advantage in today's
global world. Russia remains the largest country in the world, but there are only 1.5%
of land area is used under settlements in our country. Almost everyone in our country
can get 1 hectare of land rent-free.
Thus, revival of ancestral homes (or creation of ecovillages) is alternative for
modern perishing technetronic civilization. The ancestral home is a comfortable habi-
tation, worthy space for a life of all members of family, animals and plants. Ecovil-
lage is not only pure nature, but also a benevolent human atmosphere among adher-
ents. Ecovillage represents a group of close located ancestral homes which owners
are incorporated in joint partnership by accomplishing of ecovillage. Each piece is
fenced with a green hedge from trees and bushes of natural forest. Width of a fence is
from 3 to 10 meters, height of trees – 15-20 meters. The green hedge creates natural
protection against the wind, dust, extraneous smells and noise.
The main features of ecovillages are ecological farming (which doesn't make
damage to nature), usage of alternative power (wind-powered generators, solar batter-
ies), restoration of an environment (forest plantation), aspiration to joint using cars,
and also home appliances for reduction of tension onto ecosystem [2].