Стр. 82 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Plot 1.
Statistics of acting ecovillages in Russian Federation
As of today there are about 450 ecological settlements at the different stages of
its progress already created in Russia (the plot 1). There are more than 12 thousand
people live in it [2]. Almost half of settlements is concentrated in 11 regions of Rus-
sian Federation – in Privolzhsky federal region, 40 % – in the Central federal region
(CFR) and 14 % – in Siberian region. There are no any ecovillages in Primorski Ter-
ritory and in the Far East.
The initiative by creation of ecovillages in Russia gets support for the last years
from regional authorities and at the highest state level. The map of the grounds which
are not used in Kuzbass is made on behalf of the governor of the Kemerovo area A.G.
Tuleyev, (for February, 2016 – there are 94 thousand hectares). Any resident of
Kuzbass can receive up to 2.5 hectares of the ground in use without consideration for
5 years for developing Private subsidiary farm (without taxes and rent). The goal of
such action is « to make lower dependence of regional residents on an economic sit-
uation in the country and in the world « [6].
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law about granting free land area of
1 hectar to residents of the Far Eastern Federal Region (since the 1-st of October
2016). This law is an important initiative that will lead to the creation of ecovillages
in this region of Russia [7].