Стр. 80 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Harvesting and collecting of non-timber forest resources is an entrepreneurial
activity associated with their taking out, storage and removal from the forest. 2. Non-
timber forest resources include stumps, birch bark, bark of trees and brushwood,
woody forage, conifers for the New Year’s holidays, moss, reed, rush and similar for-
est resources. 4. Individuals harvest and collect non-timber forest resources on the
basis of the forest lease. (Contradiction with Article 11)
While staying in the forest, citizens are allowed for their subsistence needs to
use non-timber resources, including fallen trees, branches with a diameter less than 3 cm.
PARADOX – (from Greek «paradoxon» – «contrary» («opinion»); from «pa-
ra» - «distinct from» + «doxa» – «opinion») 1) a statement contrary to widely accept-
ed opinion.
The paradoxes of the Forest Сode include the lack of separation of powers of
codes that protect Land and Water and Forest, the prohibition of collecting of dead
wood for lighting tourist bonfires, the prohibition of harvesting and removal of fallen
trees and brushwood by the local population for their subsistence needs under high
risk of fire in forests that forestry is unable to prevent. The requirement to have a
permit for collecting of dead wood and fallen trees, the contract for the removal, quit-
tance and waybill may lead to non-observance by citizens of Russia of these rules.
And it is also the final paradox of the Forest Code 2016.
1. Конституция Российской Федерации [Интернет-ресурс]. - www.gov.ru/
main/konst/konst12.html. – (дата обращения 21.11.2016).
2. Лесной Кодекс [Интернет-ресурс]. - http://leskod.ru/glava-1/st-2-lk-rf. -
(дата обращения 21.11.2016).
УДК: 711.4: 304.444 (470)
Шимчук Т.А., старший преподаватель, Кемеровский ГСХИ
T.A. Shimchuk, senior lecturer?
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
Аннотация. Анализируется экопоселение как новый социальный транс-
фер по освоению пустующих земель в России, выделяются особенности экопо-
селений (экологическое земледелие, альтернативная энергетика, совместное
использование бытовой техники для уменьшения нагрузки на экосистему). В
России возрождение родовых поместий предполагает более широкое понима-