Стр. 79 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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УДК 630
Сулейменов М.Г., старший преподаватель, Мосиячин Д., студент,
Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт
Suleymenov M.G., Senior Teacher
Mosiyachin D., student, Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
В 2016 году принята новая редакция Лесного кодекса, призванного охра-
нять лесные ресурсы страны. Указание на самостоятельность лесного законода-
тельства содержит ряд взаимоисключающих положений, которые будут нега-
тивно восприниматься местным населением, в виду расхождения с привычками
проживания в лесной зоне.
The Forest Code of the Russian Federation 2016 has been developed with the
aim of preventing of deforestation and a rational use of the forests. It is aimed to reg-
ulate only forest relations. This is due to the general responsibility to preserve the
natural resources that nature gives us, what every citizen of the country should know.
The interpretation of article 2 says that the code is independent and is not cor-
related directly with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Chapter 2. The rights
and freedoms of man and citizen) [1]. Forest areas and forest plantations are subject
of property rights. The forest can be defined as a natural resource, which is a combi-
nation of tree and shrub, which is located on lands of the forest Fund and lands of
other categories. That’s why wood mustn’t be cut even in gardening associations,
protective forest plantations and on the privatized lands of citizens of the Russian
Federation. Article 11.
Stay of citizens in forests. 1. Citizens have the right to be present in forests
freely and free of charge and to harvest and collect wild-growing fruit, berries, nuts,
mushrooms, other edible forest resources (food forest resources), and non-timber for-
est resources for their subsistence needs. 2. Citizens are obliged to observe rules of
fire safety in forests. You must not make tourist bonfire closer than 0.5 metres to the edge
of the forest border; it must be separated by a strip of plowed ground. Article 30.
Timber harvesting by citizens for their subsistence needs. 1. Citizens have the
right to harvest timber for purposes of heating, construction and for other personal
needs. Individuals harvest wood for their own needs on the basis of purchase and sale
contracts. Each person, villager or expedition participant, or the organizer of chil-
dren's camp, who has chopped firewood from dead wood or has collected brushwood,
is to be prosecuted for theft and shall be subject to the penalty of the deprivation of
liberty for a term up to 2 years (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federa-
tion) Article 32.1.