Стр. 78 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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On the other hand, eating blueberries, cloudberries and cowberries can improve
intake of nutrients not commonly associated with berries, namely fatty acids. Com-
pared to the commonly eaten fruits the wild berries contain less carbohydrate, more
mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids, 15 times more n-3 fatty acids [2:431-432].
Alongside with the fundamental studies there are basic and applied researches
of technological treatment of various wild berry raw materials. Blackberries and
cranberries abounding in antioxidants have been chosen for the investigation with re-
spect to antioxidant activities of berry liqueurs [3: 98-99]. On the basis of berry raw
materials (cowberry, cranberry) a greater variety of sauces for hot and cold dishes can
be created [4: 165]. The production technology for the whey-plant extract of wild
strawberry is developed [5: 61].
Berry raw staff is used nowadays to increase antioxidant properties and expand
the assortment of beverages, sauce, dairy products, etc. taking the preparation of dif-
ferent healthy food products to the next level. Consequently, efficient use of plant
raw material becomes the issue of importance.
All the more so, the nutritional health of the Russian citizens can hardly be
called satisfactory. According to the Federal State Statistics Service per capita con-
sumption of fruit and berries is 51 kg, and about 45 kg in Kuzbass, the recommended
standard being 71 kg a year. So, our people suffer from a scarcity of essential nutri-
ents that could be overcome through the sustainable use of wild-berry raw materials.
The above mentioned points provide direction for the future research that in-
tends to design a product line of curative and prophylactic foods based on Siberian
wild-growing berries.
1. Catherine C. Neto. Cranberry and Its Phytochemicals: A Review of In Vitro
Anticancer Studies J. Nutr. 137: 186S–193S, 2007.
2. E.Bere. Wild berries: a good source of omega-3. European Journal of Clini-
cal Nutrition (2007) 61, p. 431-433.
3. N.S. Rodionova, M.V. Manukovskaya et al. Investigation of blackberry and
cranberry liqueurs prepared by the method of ultrasonic extraction / Pishchevaya Bio-
technologiya. BD Agris,–2015.– p. 98].
4. N.A. Velichko, Ya.V. Smolnikova. Sauce-dressings on the basis of Siberian
wild-growing berry raw stuff. Вестник КрасГАУ. 2014. -№1. – pp. 165-167.
5. E. A. Leshyova. Technological parameters of wild strawberry, camomille
and violet for making whey-plant extracts / Proceedings of VI All-Russia conference
«Modern technologies in agriculture and educational sphere»
. -
December17, 2015.-
p. 59-61.