Стр. 77 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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11. Skaryupina M.B. Conceptual model and monitoring methodology of mech-
anism for evaluation of the implementation of a government programs// Research
Journal of International Studies. - 2016. N 4-1(46) -P. 109 - 112.
Oхрана окружающей среды и здоровья человека
Environmental protection and human health preservation
Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz
УДК 634.681.2
Газиева А. Ф., аспирант, Шалимова Д.В., доцент, Кемеровский
технологический институт пищевой промышленности (университет)
A. F. Gazieva, postgraduate student, D.V. Shalimova, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry (University)
В статье анализируется состав дикорастущих ягод, обусловливающий их
противораковую активность, приводятся сведения о прикладных исследованиях
в области использования полезных свойств ягодного сырья, обосновывается
целесообразность его использования для производства профилактических про-
дуктов питания.
Wild berries are considered to be the source of vitamins, nutrients necessary
for the human diet, and some important chemicals. Studies have been conducted with
the aim to analyze their chemical composition and health giving properties. A re-
search has been carried out to identify berries’ phytochemicals and their anticancer
activity. According to Catherine C. Neto, tumor inhibition by cranberry involves syn-
ergistic activities between the flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, and ursolic acid [1:
Among the flavonoids, quercetin is studied most extensively with regard to its
anticancer activity because it has the ability to inhibit proliferation of cancer cells in
breast, colon, pancreas, lung, etc. The major anthocyanins in berries are galactosides
and arabinosides of cyanidin and peonidin. They inhibit oxidative processes linked to
tumorigenesis. As to ursolic acid, it could be expected to contribute to the antitumor
properties of berries due to inhibiting metastasis.
Modern findings suggest a potential role for cranberry as a dietary chemopre-
ventive that possesses anti-inflammatory properties as well.