Стр. 74 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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financial (budget, tax, customs, property, credit, debt and currency) tools for goal
achievement of state programs [10].
The state program involves the assessment of all resources in the field of the
executive authorities - budgetary allocations and other material resources at their dis-
posal, and the integration of regulatory (constitutive, law-enforcement and control)
and financial (budget, tax, customs, property, credit, debt and currency) tools to
achieve the objectives of these state programmes [10].
The analysis of the typology of the state and regional programmes is carried
out in Table 1.
An analysis of the typology of regional and national programs of the Kemerovo
Table 1
The analysis of the typology of the state and regional programmes
in Kemerovo Region.
Financing sources
Executors of the state
State Programme: Prop-
erty Complex of
Kuzbass [6]
2014-2019 regional budget
The Management Committee
of State Property of Kemero-
vo Region. Federal Service
Office for State Registration,
Cadastre and Cartography in
Kemerovo Region.
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Em-
ployment Support of
Kuzbass [5]
2014-2018 federal budget, local
budgets, budgets of the
state non-budg
funds, funds of legal en-
tities and individuals
Labour and Employment De-
partment of Кемеровской об-
ласти Kemerovo region; The
Kemerovo Regional Admin-
istration (Department of admin-
istrative authorities of The
Kemerovo Regional Admin-
istration, Head department on
work with mass media of The
Kemerovo Regional Admin-
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Ecology,
Subsoil and Water Man-
agement [4]
2017-2019 regional budget, local
Department of Natural Re-
sources and Ecology of Keme-
rovo Region
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Natural
Resourses Use and Resto-
ration of Kuzbass [4]
2014-2018 federal budget, regional
Department of the Forest
Complex of Kemerovo Region;
Department on Protection of
Fauna of Kemerovo Region