Стр. 75 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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End table 1
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Social
Support for Citizens of
Kuzbass [3]
2014-2019 budgets of the state non-
tary funds, federal
budget, regional budget
Social Security Department of
Kemerovo Region
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Emer-
gency Management in
Kemerovo Region [2]
2014-2018 regional budget,
Department for Emergency
Services of Kemerovo Region
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Educa-
tion Development of
Kuzbass [1]
2014-2025 federal budget, regional
Department of Education and
Science of Kemerovo Region
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Afforda-
ble and Quality Housing
and Utilities of Kuzbass
2014-2016 federal budget, regional
budget, local budgets,
budgets of the state non-
tary funds, funds
of legal entities and indi-
Construction department of
Kemerovo Region
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Culture
of Kuzbass [7]
2014-2019 federal budget, regional
budget, funds of legal
entities and individuals
Department for Culture and
National Policy of Kemerovo
State Programme of Ke-
merovo Region: Youth,
Sport and Tourism of
Kuzbass [8]
2014-2020 federal budget, regional
budget, local budgets,
funds of legal entities
and individuals
Department of Youth and
Sports of Kemerovo Region
State support of Agroin-
dustrial Complex and
Sustainable Development
of the Rural Territories in
Kemerovo Region for
period 2014 - 2018 [9]
2013-2020 federal budget
Ministry of Agriculture of the
Russian Federation
As a result of the conducted researches it is possible to be said that the state
support system in various industries of the national economy works in the region with
it financing different programmes carried out in different ways, some programmes
are financed only by means of the region and investors. Therefore it can be said that
the region exists largely due to own production, and subsidies from the federal budget
comes only in those industries which have a strategic meaning for the Russian Feder-
ation in general.
The research results indicate that it is necessary to develop a unified methodo-
logical approach to the planning, preparation, implementation of the state pro-
grammes for the development of the state programmes [10].
The state program is a system of measures and tools of public policy to provide
as part of the implementation of key government functions to achieve the public poli-
cy priorities and objectives in the field of the socio-economic development and secu-