Стр. 72 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Table 2
Types of evaluation of the budgetary program applied in South Korea
Types of evaluation of
the budgetary program
Efficiency monitoring
Accountability management.
Monitoring of the activities on the basis of target indicators.
Objects (units) for monitoring are a program and subprogram.
Analysis of programs
Self-assessment of the program budget.
Analysis on the basis of a checklist.
Object (unit) of analysis is a subroutine.
Assessment of
Detailed assessment of the budget program.
Assessment of separate programs.
Object (unit) of assessment is a subprogramme but also the factors,
general for different subprogrammes, are sometimes evaluated.
The analysis algorithm of effectiveness of the budget programs in South Korea:
the Ministry of Strategy and Finance analyzes these self-assessments of the programs
provided by the ministries and departments further the budget management gives the
standard control list for preparation of the self-assessment report then the complete
analysis of the program is carried out approximately once in three years.
Having studied the experience of foreign countries possible to tell with confi-
dence that there are a lot of assessment methods and techniques of the state programs,
the development of indicators of efficiency and effectiveness for specific state pro-
grams and subroutines is a complex process, it is much simpler to develop indicators
which can be used at the regional level, industry sector and system technology.
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