Стр. 63 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Modern socio-political and socio-economic reforms demanded from the indi-
viduals such qualities as humanism, internationalism, social and creative activity, ini-
tiative, competence, ability to interact with others and organize work and life, charity,
respect for the state, the laws and the Constitution.
Today a clear definition of the citizen's characteristics does not exist, but in
order to form a civic consciousness of schoolchildren and students we needed to iden-
tify these qualities. Analysis of the psychological and educational literature allows
saying that citizen is characterized by the following qualities:
- Respect for the Constitution of the State, public authorities, the president of
the country, state symbols (flag, anthem);
- Respect for democratic principles;
- Respect for the rights and freedoms of others;
- Respect for the national wealth of the country, language, culture and tradi-
- Sense of justice and civic responsibility;
- Responsibility for the deeds and actions;
- Responsibility for the future of the country;
Social discipline and culture;
- Social activity;
- Active life position;
- A sense of duty to the country and society;
- A sense of national pride and patriotism;
- Respect for nature;
- Integrity, honesty, sensitivity, compassion;
- Internationalism, respect for people of other countries, etc. [1, P. 454-455].
Big Law Dictionary gives the following definition of the term «citizen». Citi-
zen is a person belonging to specific nation on the legal basis. The citizen has certain
law capacity. He is endowed with rights, freedoms and burdened with duties [2,
The concept of «citizen» in its nature and social value is a legal category,
which is represented a personality in its relation to the state, law, government and
law. This relationship can be expressed in active operations, estimates, feelings, expe-
riences, etc. [3, p. 87].
In our view, the great Russian philosopher I.A. Iljin defined extremely accurate
the concept of «citizen» [4]. He listed those properties which a real citizen should
have: self-esteem; inner freedom; the ability to be a true subject of law; respectful
and trusting relationship to other individuals and to the public authorities; the ability
to turn freedom into voluntary loyalty, accept responsibilities as rights and rights as