Стр. 64 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Despite the different definitions of the concept of «citizen», the opinion of
many philosophers, psychologists and educators are the same in recognizing three
main positions:
- A true citizen is a moral person;
- Citizen is a person who is able to rise up to the interests of the whole society;
- Citizen is a person who can not only dominate, but to obey. [3]
At the present time, the following properties are included in the characteristic
of citizen: the ability to live in the conditions of the market, providing itself economic
independence, the ability to integrate into the existing system of social relations, the
ability to establish contacts with other people, readiness to unite for the decision of
and personal socially significant issues for cooperation and agreement, the rejection
of aggression, brutality, violence against the person.
In our opinion, a worthy Russian citizen is a person who has broad rights and
knows his rights and can protect them, who is intolerant to any manifestations of vio-
lence and arbitrariness, an honest man, who according to dictates of the heart per-
forms his duties, feels the inextricable link with his homeland, his past, present and
future and takes the responsibility for its destiny. His concrete actions allow the coun-
try to become stronger and richer. This is a man who has high political and legal hu-
manistic culture.
To be a citizen means not only to be a member of society, but also deeply
aware of the personal involvement to the people, to be responsible for everything that
happens in the country, actively contribute to its progress, as well as to be an active
participant in the political and legal life of society.
1. Подласый И. П. Педагогика: новый курс: учеб. для студ. выс. учеб. за-
ведений: в 2 кн. – М.: Гуманит. изд. Центр ВЛАДОС, 2001. – Кн. 2: Процесс
воспитания. – 256 с.
2. Большой юридический словарь/ Под. ред. А. Я. Сухарева, В. Е. Крут-
ских. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Инфра-М, 2004. – 704 с.
3. Шабунина, В. А. Система воспитательной работы в сельскохозяйствен-
ном вузе [Текст] : автореф. дис. … д-ра пед. наук / В. А. Шубина ; [Моск. с.-х.
акад. им. К. Н. Тимирязева]. – М., 2001. – 63 с.
4. Ильин И. А. Путь к очевидности. - М., - 1993. - С. 309.