Стр. 62 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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УДК 37.035.6
Мирошина Т.А., канд. пед. наук, доцент,
Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт,
Miroshina T.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
В статье рассматриваются актуальные черты личности, обусловленные
общественными потребностями в различных социально-исторических услови-
ях. Представлены определения понятия «гражданин». Охарактеризованы каче-
ства гражданина, востребованные на сегодняшний день.
The ideal of the citizen includes the development of essential human forces for
active service to others. However, the time and the situation highlight topical person-
ality traits caused by the needs of society in these social and historical conditions.
Thus, in the post-revolutionary period of the development of Russia and at each sub-
sequent stage the following traits were distinguished: utter devotion to the revolution-
ary struggle of the proletariat; shock work; patriotism and courage at the front and in
the rear; enthusiasm for the development of new spaces on the ground and in space.
The ideals and goals of society are specific historical phenomena which are
dynamic in fact. Their development makes adjustments to the education of growing
generation based on the prevailing conditions and the specific prospects. Having af-
fected the political, economic, social and cultural aspects a revolutionary restructur-
ing of the late 1980s was no exception.
The perestroika and democratization, in the first place, led to focus on the de-
velopment of the individual as an active subject of social action, resolutely abandon
the idea of a person as an object of any impacts. Secondly, giving broad rights to eve-
ryone and trusting participation in public self-government, democratization puts one
of the main tasks as the formation of mutual responsibility: responsibility of the per-
son to himself and the collective, responsibility of the society to itself and its contri-
bution to the common cause and responsibility of the state, school, family, communi-
ty to the younger generation. Thirdly, the restructuring of society and education, pub-
licity and democratization stimulate personal initiative, freedom, relaxedness of ex-
pressing and defending their views. Fourth, civic education in modern conditions is
inextricably linked with the formation of pupils and students of the new political
thinking which is based on the priority of universal values and the interests of all
people of the Earth as a whole.