Стр. 61 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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– the deadline for the loan is 5 years on average with an initial contribution of at least
The bank can arrange purchased and existing property on bail. In addition, it is
possible to get agricultural land and farm animals. The minimum initial contribution
for the purchase of land is 30%, and the loan is issued for a period of 8 years. Loans
are also issued for the construction of new farms, mini-plants for processing of prod-
The interest rate in this case is an average of 14%. If the farmer needs money
for collecting and processing of the upcoming harvest, the conditions of preferential
crediting are distributed for this purpose. The amount of funding for future harvest
may reach up to 100% of the estimated total. Credit is given in this case no more than
a year. Another nice thing is the ability to get a loan for housing for agricultural
If the borrower wants to get credit without bail, the loan amount is limited to
one million rubles for a period of up to three years. However, it does not work with-
out guarantors. If the loan is issued with bail, the loan amount is increased to 15 mil-
lion rubles for a period of up to five years. It should be noted that there are bail funds
that can issue a guarantee. To do this, it is necessary to arrange a loan in a bank
which has a contract with the Guarantee Fund.
The interest rate for each case is determined separately. The nice thing is the
compensation payments from the state budget in the amount of the refinancing rate.
Requirements for the loan recipient: to be a business entity of AIC; to carry out activ-
ities for at least 3 months; to draw up a business plan and provide it to the bank. It
goes without saying that the necessary documents will be required, including the in-
formation about objects to which the loan is granted (machinery, equipment, agricul-
tural animals, the land, and so on) and the actual information about the borrower.
Particular attention is paid to the documents reflecting the current financial
condition of the company. This can be a balance sheet, financial statement, income
statement of the entrepreneur. This article describes information about the tiny per-
centage of preferential crediting. In addition to this procedure, the government carried
out a number of other important measures for the maintenance and development of
agricultural enterprises such as compensation on survey work, subsidies for leasing,
construction and reconstruction of dairy farms and so on. Also the Russian Federation
has a system of counseling which will help to understand the features of preferential
crediting, preparation of business projects and other issues.
1. Хасмагомадова Х. Кредитование АПК, как эффективное развитие сель-
ского хозяйства // Чеченская республика сегодня. - 2015. - №5. - С. 27.
2. Баязитова А. Центробанк фиксирует проблемы сельхозпроизводителей
// Известия. - 2015.