Стр. 60 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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УДК 336.77:631
Мартыщенко В., аспирант, МирошинаТ.А., канд. пед. наук,
доцент Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт,
Martyshenko V., postgraduate student, language adviser Miroshina T.A., Ph.D.,
Associate Professor, Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
В статье рассматриваются проблемы развития АПК в России на данный
момент и способы государственной поддержки данной отрасли в условиях кри-
зисной ситуации. Основное внимание обращается на такой финансовый ин-
струмент, как льготное кредитование АПК.
The economic crisis begun in 2014 in Russia had a negative impact on individ-
ual sectors of the economy. According to the Central Bank following industries were
affected by the crisis most of all: construction, mining, transport and communica-
tions, agriculture. Despite the support of domestic agricultural producers by the Gov-
ernment of the Russian Federation, agribusiness companies fail in their obligations to
the bank. Nowadays the following program was developed «State program on devel-
opment of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materi-
als and food for 2013-2020». It sets out the main priorities of support. Primarily, the
priorities of the program include: in the economic sphere - increasing the profitability
of agricultural producers; in the institutional sphere - the development of cooperation
relationships and the formation of a grocery sub complexes, territorial clusters.
Under conditions of the economic crisis in Russia, the sharp fall in the ruble
exchange rate and the introduction of sanctions agricultural producers felt a strong
need to increase the rate of production. That is why there has been increasing gov-
ernment support in the form of grants, subsidies and soft credit to agricultural pro-
The Government has developed a special program up to 2020, providing not
only the issue of preferential loans and grants, but also holding of forums, various
competitions, conferences and consultations.
A peasant farm or an individual entrepreneur should meet certain conditions in
order to receive a grant or subsidy. Also there are certain conditions for getting pref-
erential loans.
The purpose of subsidizing interest rates on loans is to ensure access of farms,
agricultural cooperatives to investment resources. Thus, an aspiring farmer can re-
ceive a loan for the purchase of agricultural equipment and units, often on bail of
purchased machinery. The conditions are very loyal (information of Rosselkhozbank)