Стр. 59 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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competitiveness level of the analyzed region with other territorial entity of the Rus-
sian Federation.
5. Analysis of a gross regional product structure. The gross domestic product
can be calculated using three approaches: production, income and expenditure. The
main result of this analysis should be the correct assessment of development trends
that could affect the future of the region in the forecast period.
6. SWOT-analysis of the specific socio-economic situation, growth and devel-
opment potential, starting conditions for development of the regional strategy. It is
necessary to answer four questions at carrying out of the SWOT-analysis:
1) what are the strengths of this object, what are its advantages compared to
similar products?
2) what are weaknesses, what he gives to potential competitors?
3) what opportunities exist for future development?
4) what potential dangers are most probable in the future?
The main goal of the carried-out SWOT analysis is preparation of clusteriza-
tion problem resolutions of the specific region. SWOT analysis shall be as much as
possible focused: for example, if it is found out that the economic sphere is the main
thing for the solution of a task then it is necessary to construct the separate table for it.
Thus, taking into account the numerous experiences of cluster formation and
development in the developed countries and a number of the Russian regions in iden-
tifying prerequisites for the realization of such structures it is necessary to develop
the cluster areas of innovation policy on the basis of the regional innovation systems.
At the same time it is necessary to consider regional specifics and to pay special at-
tention on an institutional environment of such structures on the basis of mutual ad-
vantage both for entrepreneurial structures, and for state, science and education.
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