Стр. 58 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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The implementation of cluster policy promotes the competitiveness of the Rus-
sian economy through the development of competitive markets, increase of innova-
tion in different economic industries, accelerated development of small and medium-
sized businesses, promotion of local initiatives and intensifying cooperation between
government, business and the scientific community. [4]
The general algorithm of identification and analysis of clusters in regional
agro-industrial complex involves the implementation of several stages:
- to identify clusterization potential in terms of economic conditions, the struc-
ture of the regional economy, the situation in the regional sectorial structure of the
national economy;
- to identify and analyze the spatial aspects of clusterization of the regional
economy in the context of municipalities, economic and geographic areas, agglomer-
ations and integration associations of municipalities;
- to evaluate the parameters of the internal and external efficiency of potential
and real cluster structures in the regional agribusiness.[3]
The first priority is to prepare information and analytical base in forming and
developing clusters in the regional agro-industrial complex. The following types of
analytical work could be highlighted for the purposes to systematize the procedures
and the results:
1. Analysis of statistical data on the level of socio-economic development of
the region. This type is the traditional tool of regional development policies and pro-
grams. The analysis is made based on publications of state statistics bodies.
2. Analysis of the historical aspect of the regional development.
3. Retrospective of strategic planning in the region. Modern economic potential
of Russian regions is largely determined with the planned economy in the Soviet era,
and it needs to be taken into account in developing a cluster strategy. Target purposes
of the historical analysis of strategic planning in the region for the period of market
reforms shall be the following:
- many technical works, connected generally with the analysis of the region,
have been already done by colleagues and predecessors. Their experience will allow
to save resources of the developer;
- cyclicality of many economic processes development allows to expect that
ready-made solutions and specific activities that will contribute to the solution of
problems in the present stage, will be revealed in an analysis result of the existing
- it is necessary to provide succession of development.
4. Analysis of the regional assessments by external experts. The result of rating
research conducted by the various organizations can be used in order to compare the