Стр. 56 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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It explains the choice of professions of technical specialties by graduates of
SSG №9. However, it is necessary to notice that professions not highly paid in a sec-
tion of requirements, motivational aspirations of pupils of SSG № 9 are more de-
manded that also reflects a situation and among graduates of schools of Kazakhstan.
This situation looks not optimistically in case of the current increase in prices in the
country. A problem this more than state, and it can hardly be solved only at the level
of the city.
Thus, graduates of the city are practically not threatened by a situation of un-
employment and the chance to these teenagers is high to take place in the profession-
al and personal plan. A contradiction between aspirations and understanding that the
profession which they would like to seize is unpopular, low-paid, in particular, pro-
fession of the teacher, doctor push teenagers on receipt on those specialties which are
demanded and highly paid now. So, most of pupils in their future profession is at-
tracted by a high salary (75%) and an opportunity to promote (61%). Further on re-
duction: an opportunity to bring benefit to people (41%), an opportunity to do favor-
ite thing (40%), communication with interesting people (40%), an opportunity to de-
velop capabilities (35%), intellectual kind of work (30%), a variety in the work con-
tent (21%).
Only 19% of pupils indicate concrete results and the high public importance,
18% are attracted by an opportunity to order others, 15% of pupils are considered im-
portant by a possibility of creativity in work and 11% an opportunity most to regulate
working hours. 9% of pupils consider that free time – it is important (figure 2) too.
Considering that the most part of graduates remain to study higher education institu-
tions and colleges of our city (about 50%), confirms the capacity of the city to give an
opportunity for self-realization of the teenager. However the orientation of the identi-
ty of the teenager in self-realization out of social space of the city is observed (the
share of the graduates choosing foreign higher education institutions – from 22% in-
creases to 32% in 2013-2014 academic year).
Figure 2 - Motivational aspirations of graduates of SI «Secondary school-gymnasium
№ 9 of Pavlodar»
количество выборов
высокая заработная
польза людям
любимое дело
интелл.хар-р работы
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