Стр. 55 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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The present is very closely connected with development of the cities. The
course of life of the person won't be successful if society, in this case, social and eco-
nomic space of the city isn't interested in the maximum use of its capabilities, creative
potential [1, c. 5-7]. For identification of professional and social aspirations of gradu-
ates of schools, there were used data on employment of pupils of 11 classes of SI
«Secondary school-gymnasium № 9 of Pavlodar» for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 aca-
demic years. Also studying it was offered to describe figuratively the city in which
they live, to describe interests and hobbies. Seventeen respondents (the focused inter-
view) represent social group at the age of 16-18 years. Results of questioning and the
analysis of data on employment of graduates of SI «SSG № 9 of Pavlodar» look as
follows. Social and economic representation by teenagers of the Pavlodar region is a
certain dependence of the city on the industrial plants (for example, JSC «Aluminium
of Kazakhstan», JSC Kazakhstan Electrolysis Factory, Aksu factory of ferroalloys -
JSC «Kazchrome», etc.) [3]. On results of questioning in 2015, 32% of graduates
would like to realize the abilities abroad, 11% - in to Astana, Almaty and in other cit-
ies of Kazakhstan, in the Pavlodar region – 57%. Whether the teenager of himself re-
ally perceives?
47% of teenagers see the future profession not up to the end accurately, and say
not about own motives and desires, and that after the termination of higher education
institution the most important, it to get a job highly paid, stable and try to choose that
field of activity which at the moment or in the future, from the point of view of the
teenager will be perspective.
According to the conducted survey among pupils, unpopular pupils consider
professions of janitors (27%), teachers (19%), workers (14%), engineers (5%) and
doctors (4%). In turn, required workplaces on the Pavlodar region, according to GU
«Department of Employment and Social Programs of the City of Pavlodar» (for Au-
gust 14, 2015) are provided in the figure 1 [2].
Figure 1 - Required workplaces on the Pavlodar region (according to GU
of Department of employment and social programs of Pavlodar city
for August 14, 2015), quantity