Стр. 52 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Сельское хозяйство России и зарубежных стран
Аgriculture of Russia and other countries
Landwirtschaft in Russland und im Ausland
УДК 636.3:619
Фукс М.А, аспирант, Зубова Т.В., д-р биол. наук, доцент
Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт
Fuks M.A., postgraduate, Zubova T.V., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate
Professor, language adviser Miroshina T.A., Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
Проводились лабораторные исследования для постановки диагноза на
псороптоз у овец. В качестве метода профилактики и лечения псороптоза был
предложен препарат противопаразитарного действия – ивермек.
Currently there are 74.3 thousand sheep in farms of all categories in the Keme-
rovo region. Sheep Shearing Mobile Brigade of Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
noted that sheep were infected by common scab in some farms.
Common scab causes great economic damage to sheep breeding, which is con-
nected with the death of animals, reduction of meat and wool productivity. Common
scab is the invasive disease. The disease is caused by mites Psoroptes ovis from Pso-
roptidae family. Pathogen is a major mite (0.6-0.8 mm), with an oval-shaped body
and four pairs of legs. The main causes of the disease are unbalanced feeding and re-
duced resistance of the animal organism. Mites more actively reproduce on the body
of the animal in the cold season. Mites bite through the skin and cause toxic and me-
chanical irritation of the nerve endings in the epidermis. The sheep of all breeds can
be infected with common scab. But fine-wool breeds of sheep are especially suscep-
tible because their wool has much suint and in 2.5 - 3 times more moisture than wool
of coarse-wool breeds of sheep.
Infection is possible when healthy animals are kept together with sick ones.
The care items and inventory infested by mites are the factors of spreading common
scab. Skin itch is the main feature of the disease. Animals scratch itchy places by
teeth and rub against different objects. Wool loss begins with the development of the
disease and painful seals appear in the places of scratching. There are no symptoms
of itching and wool loss when the disease has the hidden character but mites can be
detected by the investigation of scrapings from the affected areas of skin. For the dif-
ferential diagnosis of common scab it is necessary to borne in mind that itching plac-