Стр. 51 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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sions are seldom made and you should not show impatience or to express the disa-
greement on any question. It is better to show flexibility and openness in dialogue
with Hindus. Here it is important to be able to listen and reach a compromise.
In India the rigid system of castes remains up to present. It would be better to
learn about the caste of your partner as certain castes may have a number of the rules
and bans. The awareness of the rules and bans of this caste will allow you to avoid
unpleasant situations and to hold negotiations positively.
In terms of punctuality Indians are rather flexible, but for a foreigner it is better
to keep the time and not to be late. India is characterized by hot climatic conditions
and for this reason you are not forbidden to come to business meetings in a less for-
mal clothing. You can put on a jacket only during the first meeting, for a woman a
skirt or trousers are allowed.
Indian businessmen are very hospitable and they can invite the business part-
ners to visit them at home. If you were invited on a home visit you should take a gift,
better a souvenir from your country. But keep in mind some rules when packing gifts
as you should avoid black and white colors which according to beliefs of Hindus
bring misfortune. Thus it is better to choose red, green and yellow colors for a pack-
age. Often Hindus give gifts in reply as well. Most likely a foreigner will receive a
national souvenir as a gift, a sari for example. Traditionally Hindus do not use knives
and forks during food. Hindus may use a spoon for soup or rice. Therefore if hosts eat
with hands it is better to follow their example. You can take that place at a table
which the hosts will advise you.
The sphere of business communication and business ethics is quite extensive
and diverse. Each country and its people have a number of national peculiarities. Ig-
norance of these features can affect the results of business negotiations [1, 2, 3, 4].
You will be able to hold a business meeting with positive result only with studying
features of culture of the country.
All in all, we have considered some features of business communication in In-
dia. Foreign businessmen can hold business negotiations with a positive outcome on-
ly having studied specifics of business communication and feature of etiquette of the
people of India. The success of international business communication requires pa-
tience and respect for the traditions of the people.
Орлова Е. В. Культурное пространство: определение, специфика, струк-
тура // Аналитика культурологии. 2010. №18 С.42-53.
Подопригора М.Г.
Учебное пособие. Таганрог: Изд-во
ТТИ ЮФУ, 2012. – 116 с.