Стр. 53 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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es can appear in the lower abdomen and extremities at one-sided feeding and keeping
of sheep without walks in the winter.
Therefore, one of the main conditions of the sheep industry recovery and sus-
tainable prosperity of farms according to such parameters as parasitic diseases and
the growth of veterinary care effectiveness is the providing of sheep farms with an-
tiparasitic preparations which have a high therapeutic and prophylactic efficiency.
Currently, there are special requirements to veterinary preparations for animals.
They should be environmentally friendly and highly efficient. But often, their use is
difficult because of the high cost and sometimes due to the elementary ignorance of
existing treatment. However, the amount of antiparasitic preparations, including aca-
ricides, is constantly updated.
American firm MSD invented antiparasitic preparation of broad spectrum
called ivermec which is used in all foreign countries and which has been appeared in
Russia in recent years. Benefits of ivermec are its high therapeutic efficiency at low
doses, constant action for 10-14 days, less toxicity in comparison with analogues.
Sick animals should be isolated from healthy ones for the prevention and
treatment of the disease. The skin should be cleaned from the rolled-up scraps of
wool. It is necessary to balance the feeding and increase the amount of oats. The
sheep treatment should be repeated after 7-8 days, because mites’ larvae begin to ap-
pear from eggs at this time.
There are fairly simple methods of treatment for common scab using prepara-
tions that destroy the mites. There are preparations of weak activity such as green and
tar soap, ammonia, etc. It is possible to use drastic means such as tar, carbolic acid,
creolin, creosote.
Quite often antiscabietic baths or ointments are used at the sheep farms. How-
ever, such methods of prevention and treatment of common scab are costly and time
consuming and in some cases they are rather hard feasible.
The aim of our research was to study the method of prevention and treatment
of common scab. The laboratory research was carried out at the Department of Phys-
iology and Animal Reproduction in Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute.
Scrapings taken from the affected skin from 3 places were placed in a test tube
and tightly capped. Investigations were carried out on the following day. The material
was placed in a Petri dish and examined under a low magnification of microscope in
the dark field. Before working the dish was heated to a temperature of 25-30°C.
The diagnosis of common scab was determined.
We recommended using in the sheep farms the preparation ivermec which is
positively proved itself on the market of veterinary pharmaceutical industry. The
preparation should be injected to animals’ rump or neck at a dose of 1 ml per 50 kg of