Стр. 50 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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УДК 81
Чубуков С.С., студент, Певнева И.В., канд. филол. наук, доцент,
Кемеровский институт (филиал) Российского Экономического
Университета им. Г.В. Плеханова
Chubukov S.S., student, Pevneva I.V., Ph.D, associate professor,
Kemerovo institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Статья посвящена специфике бизнес этикета в Индии. Описаны нацио-
нально и культурно обусловленные характеристики деловой культуры Индии.
Предлагаются рекомендации для успешного проведения деловых переговоров с
представителями данной страны.
Each country has a unique mentality which ensures special rules, norms of
communication and the etiquette. Such factors as religious views, climatic conditions
and many other can effect the behavior of businessmen during the business meetings.
Knowledge of features of a particular country defines the success of a business meet-
ing on the international scene. This phenomenon is seen in the countries of the East
especially vividly. In this article we will consider the ethics of business behavior in
India as it’s a multinational country with a huge variety of specific traditions.
Unlike Western countries in India a regular business handshake is out of cus-
tom. As a sign of hospitality Indians nod or bow as a sign of welcoming. So it is ad-
visable to offer a handshake only as an answer. Indians eat with the right hand, as
well as bless, give or take things while the left hand is considered «dirty» as in India
it is used for hygienic procedures. For this reason be careful not to touch your inter-
locutor with your left hand. When addressing an interlocutor first of all it is advisable
to call him/her using the title or mentioning the status: «professor», «Mr.» etc., and
then to say the last name. For Indian business culture it is crucial to make a business
appointment for several months in advance and to confirm a meeting a few days to
make sure your partner does not refuse it in the last moment. Nether the less Indian
businessmen are intelligent and well-educated people and exceptionally good inter-
Specifics feature of the first meeting in India is that it is not in the tradition to
discuss questions of business. It is important at first to get to know the interlocutor
and to establish social relations. For this reason it is better to discuss questions of per-
sonal character at the first meeting and let your Indian partner to know you as a per-
son first. Indian businessmen do not hurry in taking business decisions and therefore
each clause of the contract can be considered very carefully. In India the instant deci-