Стр. 49 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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on racism, xenophobia, ethnic hatred and other things across the Internet. There is a
huge number of extremist websites through which the destructive organizations con-
duct extensive propaganda of their ideology. Under these conditions the role of inter-
national coordination and cooperation in the field of information security increases
All in all, becoming members of any kind of intercultural contacts, people in-
teract with other cultures which often differ significantly from their own. The main
causes of failures are outside the obvious differences. They are in the differences at
attitudes to the world and to other people. The main obstacle to the successful solu-
tion of this problem is in perceiving other cultures through the prism of our own cul-
ture so our observations and conclusions are limited to its frames. We often fail to
understand the meaning of the words, deeds, actions that are not typical for us. Our
ethnocentrism not only prevents from effective intercultural communication but it al-
so makes it difficult to realize as it is an unconscious process. Thus, effective inter-
cultural communication doesn’t come on its own, it needs a deeper research, under-
standing and acceptance.
Введение в теорию межкультурной коммуникации:
учебное пособие /
– 5-е издание, исправленное и
дополненное. – Москва: Академия, 2008. – 352 с.
2. Edward T. Hall The Silent Language. – 1959.
4. Крылова Н.М. Афро-россияне: брак, семья, судьба, М., 2006.
5. Березницкая Н.Л. Туризм как фактор межкультурной коммуникации:
диссертация ... кандидата культурол. наук: 24.00.04, 1999.