Стр. 48 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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teraction increasing with mankind experience of comprehensive historical contacts
and cultural ties as well as economic relations. The recognition of public opinion and
action of democratic norms in many areas of social life does not mean willingness to
accept the same standards when it comes to a mixed family. Modern social con-
sciousness is subject to archaism trends as the usual organized civilization is replaced
by the reality of a mythical reality and there is a massive increase in destructive forms
of consciousness (superstition, xenophobia, magic etc.), national relations behavior
and morality [4].
Nowadays the tendency of mixed marriages is very visible in Russia where a
number of mixed marriages has increased in recent years. In Russia Chechens, In-
gushs, Yakuts and Kalmyks usually consist of monoethnic union. But the proportion
of mixed families is very essential for Komi and Mordovians, where it account for
over 40%. Problems in mixed marriages may arise as a result of family life. It is a
problem of misunderstanding, the differences of mentality and education, the prob-
lem with the relatives of the spouse, challenges of overcoming ethnic intolerance and
Tourism is also a factor of intercultural communication. Traveling raises the
level of cultural tolerance, deepens mutual understanding between different cultures
and promotes the formation of social and cultural identity. Tourism can be seen as a
dialogical form of cultures meeting which on the one hand contributes to the deepen-
ing of the cultural identity and the formation of the cultural identity of the traveler
and on the other leads to the mutual enrichment of cultural systems through inter-
change of cultural experiences. At the Manila Conference (1980) tourism opportuni-
ties were highlighted as a factor of easing international tensions, promoting coopera-
tion and understanding among all countries. Tourism was seen as an essential factor
for peace as well as a moral and intellectual basis for international cooperation. The
conference recommended to countries to build a tourist policy not only taking into
account the economic viability of tourism but also to develop this kind of socio-
cultural practices with the aim of strengthening national self-awareness and solidarity
of society, building a sense of belonging to their culture and to the people to strength-
en the physical and mental health and quality of life [5].
The third option of the intercultural communication we often face is the Inter-
net communication. Internet as a way of intercultural communication on the one hand
has a positive impact on the world community as it allows transferring information
anywhere in the world. It promotes relations between people and countries, changes
the style of relations in the modern society. On the other hand we should remember
that the Internet requires an objective judgment because the information it contains
can also have a negative effect on a person especially young and immature minds.
We also see the growing trend of destructive, negative and provocative information