Стр. 47 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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when people open to the perception of other people's cultural experience and at the
same time are ready to share with other people their own culture. This appeal to the
cultures of other nations has been called the interaction of cultures or intercultural
communication. Thus, the intercultural dialogue is a process of communication be-
tween individuals who are representatives of different cultures and have their own
language, conventions of behavior, values, customs and traditions [1].
The importance of problems of intercultural communication under modern
conditions is determined by the scientific and technological progress and efforts of
the reasonable and peaceful part of mankind to discover new possibilities, kinds and
forms of communication, the main condition for the effectiveness of which is under-
standing, cultural dialogue, tolerance and respect for the culture of other nations. The
foundation of the intercultural communication as an academic discipline should be
considered in 1954 when the book called «Culture is Communication» by E. Hall and
D. Trager was published in which the authors offered a wide use of the term «inter-
cultural communication» which reflects in their view a special area of human rela-
tions. Later, the main ideas and intercultural communication have been developed in
detail in the famous work by Edward Hall that called «The Silent Language» where
the author has shown a close relationship between culture and communication. De-
veloping the ideas about the relationship of culture and communication, Hall came to
the conclusion about the necessity of studying the culture. Thus, Edward Hall was the
first to propose making the problem of intercultural communication not only a subject
of scientific research but also an independent academic discipline [2].
On the basis of comparative studies of different cultural groups Edward Hall
highlighted not only their cultural and communication behavior, but also developed a
general typology in relation to the context the information that surrounds and accom-
panies a particular culture. He noted that all cultures in the interpersonal communica-
tion use some unspoken hidden rules which are important for the understanding the
events and interpersonal behavior. Cultures differ in their «reading context» also by
using hidden information that encompasses every situation [3].
Let’s consider the features of the intercultural communication on the example
of mixed marriages. The sphere of «mixed» marriages is beyond the scope of private
life problems of two people because of different origin, religion and language. There-
fore it is important to study the socio-cultural aspect of the mixed pairs which create a
wide demonstration field of interaction and antagonism on various levels of social
consciousness, different values, public views on perception of «we – they» concept as
a degree of their difference or similarity. For Russia the study of the mixed marriages
is actual by virtue of increasing trends of communication and interaction in the pro-
cess of cross-cultural interactions. This subject is closely linked to the global prob-
lems of interethnic, interracial, intercultural, interlanguage and intercivilizational in-