Стр. 42 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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So, future physics at schools should master three languages within a given
thematic minimum for the discipline «Physics». To prepare professional personnel to
meet these requirements, much attention is paid to multilingual education. In this
context, the role of languages in the world today confronts us with the question of
language teaching and improving language training for students [2].
In this regard, the Ministry of education and science initiated the implementa-
tion of Republican budget program «training and retraining of personnel of state or-
ganizations of education», in which the increase of language skills in professionally-
oriented English language teachers of universities and school teachers from all re-
gions of Kazakhstan.
In accordance with the tasks set by President of Kazakhstan the State program
of education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, the State
program of functioning and languages development for 2011-2020 and the cultural
program «Trinity of languages» by 2020, all Kazakhstan citizens have to master Ka-
zakh, 95% of Russian and 25% of English [3].
Language competence of the teacher, along with others has become an essen-
tial element for the preparation of highly competitive professionals, mobile in the in-
ternational educational space and the labour market. In the framework of the pro-
gramme «Trilingual education», in schools provides for the phased development of
trilingual education, namely the study of state and English languages taking into ac-
count professional terminology [4].
For the organization of educational process in accordance with the require-
ments of multilingual education the following tasks are identified:
- raising the proportion of teachers to conduct studies in state and foreign lan-
- providing teachers with educational materials for the study of a foreign lan-
- organization of intensive vocational and linguistic courses attended by Rus-
sian and foreign specialists;
- provide continuous language training of teachers to improve the level of for-
eign language proficiency;
- organization of linguistic training in other countries.
The educational process should be organized in accordance with the require-
ments of multilingual education; there are implementation level methods of teaching
foreign language in the core disciplines, the development of a methodological basis
of multilingual education (educational-methodical documentation in three languages,
annual, lesson plans).
Introduction in educational process of secondary school teaching in three lan-
guages is, certainly, a significant step forward.