Стр. 37 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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In connection with the trends of modern times there is a need to find new inno-
vation management tools, motivation techniques and stimulation of the organization's
staff to achieve its goals.
Technologies those based on psychological principles allowing to realize and
to comprehend every education communities their own capabilities become especial-
ly important. Coaching tools can be successfully implemented for developing compe-
tences, their self-organization, self-discipline, motivation to succeed.
The following techniques can be distinguished among the coaching technolo-
gy: SMART, Scaling, Career Competency Wheel, The Dilts Pyramid, Valuable self-
image, Life Balance Wheel and others.
Life Balance Wheel is one of the most effective coaching visualization tech-
niques of system processes, it creates a visual representation of the actual level and
prospects for development the organization’s activity in general and its structural
units divisions, also has a large number of application variations. Participants can
identify main areas for the labor activity and to develop each of them using this tech-
nology. It is possible to distinguish the following steps to work with this technology:
1) To select the most important areas of work (6-10 areas).
2) To image Life Balance Wheel on the paper. The participants draw a circle
on the A4 size paper and divide it into as many sectors as areas of activity is chosen,
one sector corresponds to one type of activity.
3) To scaling with each sphere of activity on a scale from one to ten regarding
satisfaction. Where ‘One’ (a wheel axle) –is completely dissatisfied, ‘Ten’ (a wheel
rim) is completely satisfied.
4) To answers to the coaching questions about the realization of life balance
wheel. Among them it can be highlighted the following: «What will be to ten for
each sector?», «How do you understand that we have achieved the result?», «Why is
it important for you?», «What actions are you going to take in these areas of your
life?», «How do you know that advanced by one point (internal / external)?», «What
is the best result for you in the development of professional competencies?».
5) To build a work plan for the week, month, year taking into account the re-
sults of life balance wheel. It is necessary to review life balance wheel every two or
three months for changes and further development.
In such a way coaching allows to focus attention on opportunities of develop-
ment of internal talents, choice of personal excellence, helps to place priorities cor-
rectly. The proper application of coaching techniques conducive to the formation of
the realization that every participant of the educational process can solve any prob-
lem; they are capable more, then assumes. предполагает.