Стр. 36 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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evidence, which complicates the understanding of each other, requires a large in-
vestment of time to defend their positions.
In the preparation of the case, it is necessary to take into account the primary
aim of making a case (a test of knowledge, ability to apply knowledge in practice,
ability to make decisions or etc.), providing necessary information to discuss the case,
in case of need, additional information in the form of applications for the decision-
making process.
The positive aspects of the case method:
helps to formulate the problem and to analyze specific situation;
makes opportunity to hold discussions on various methods for solving spe-
cific problems;
makes opportunity the practical application of theoretical knowledge to
solve specific problems of ecology.
УДК 378.1
Оскирко О.В., канд. экон. наук, Полинкевич А.Б., студент,
Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт
O.V. Oskirko, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Polinkevich A.B., student,
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
Рассмотрены инструменты коучинга по развитию и раскрытию личност-
ного потенциала. Обоснована эффективность применения коучинга с целью
развития личности.
A human resource management problem acquires relevance in the context of
globalization and the profound transformation of society’s developing. The person as
the control object possessing ability to be active, decision-making under uncertainty
and resource constraints comes to the fore in achieving the organization's success.
When the strategy and tactics on development is repaired competently it is people
who are the main element of its successful implementation. The appearance of inno-
vation in all spheres of life determined the search for new efficient technologies in
the management, creation of conditions for rapid training and improving his profes-
sional competence, the development of personal skills and readiness for lifelong
learning [1].