Стр. 35 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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facts: comparisons, examples, historical tours, documents, numbers. The efficiency of
use technology case depends on such factors as: awareness of students on the pro-
posed problem, of semantic uniformity, correctness of behavior of participants, the
ability of the teacher to organize the discussion.
Technology of conduction discussion of cases involves 3 stages of activity:
orientation, assessment, consolidation.
The first stage is produced by a certain setting on the solution of the problem.
In this case the teacher will achieve the following tasks:
1. To formulate the problem and purpose of the discussion of the case.
2. To create the necessary motivation to identify unresolved and controversial
issues, determine the expected result (decision).
3. Set a time limit discussion, more precisely time limit on speeches, as general
time limit determined by the length of seminars or practical classes.
4. To formulate the rules of the discussion, the main of which is everyone must
The second stage (assessment) – suggests the situation of mapping, the con-
frontation of ideas and confronts the teacher with the following tasks:
1. To start an exchange of views, which involves the giving floor to specific
2. Collect a maximum of opinions, ideas and suggestions. Speaking from his
opinion, the student can make suggestions, and maybe first, just to speak, and later to
formulate their proposals.
3. To maintain a high level of activity of all participants. To prevent an exces-
sive intensity of some at the expense of others, keep the time limit, to stop long mon-
ologues, to edge all present students into the conversation.
4. Quickly carry out the analysis of ideas expressed, opinions, positions, pro-
posals before proceeding to the next round of topics. This analysis, preliminary con-
clusions or summary it is advisable to do at specific intervals (every 15-20 minutes),
thus summing up the intermediate results. Summing up the interim results are very
useful to instruct the students, offering them a temporary role of leading.
The third stage is consolidation, involves the development of a certain common
or compromise of opinions, attitudes, decisions. In this step, the controlling function
classes, analysis and evaluation discussion of the case.
The greatest difficulties faced by the teacher when using this technology:
1. In the preparation of case studies: information search (sources: media, Inter-
net, materials relating to the activities of individual companies, reports, informational
2. In the discussion of the case – the need to listen and hear what they say at
the discussion. Another difficulty – the problem of the techniques of possession of