Стр. 34 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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УДК 378.174:504
Комардина Л.С., канд. биол. наук, доцент, Тусупбекова Г.Т., канд. биол. наук,
доцент, Утегенова Л.Р., магистрант,
Инновационный Евразийский университет, (Казахстан)
Komardina L.S., PhD, assistant professor, Tusupbekova G.T., PhD, assistant profes-
sor, Utegenova L.R., master student, Innovative university of Eurasia (Kazakhstan)
Авторами рассмотрен метод кейсов, как интерактивный метод обучения
экологии. Указаны факторы, влияющие на эффективность данного метода, по-
рядок разработки кейсов и организации их обсуждения.
The case method is one of the types of training which has recently attracted the
attention of teachers and along with other types of learning can be successfully used
as a practice-oriented method of teaching ecology. Broadly speaking, the case is a de-
scription of the real situation, including problem, problem which needs to be solved,
and as material for further research and independent work of students.
Using the case studies identifies five main stages:
1. The identification of the core problem.
2. Identify the degree of influence of various factors on the problem.
3. The separation of the major and minor factors.
4. Consideration of alternative solutions to the problem.
5. The choice of the optimal solution.
The discussion can be carried out in three variants: problem statement; problem
solving; justification of the problem solution.
The basis of the technology case - the collective discussion of any question,
problems, or mapping information, ideas, opinions, suggestions. Cases can be used
for teaching, training, diagnosis, and stimulate creativity. The discussion of case
should be conducted in the following sequence: individual familiarization with the
contents of the case, discussion in small groups, general discussion in the audience.
Usually when discussing the case study the teacher sets several training aims, as a
cognitive, and as a communicative. If the topic of the case is wide-ranging, contains a
body of information, in the wake of discussion can be achieved only such goals as
gathering and sequencing information, search for alternatives, its theoretical interpre-
tation and methodological substantiation. If the subject of the case is narrow, the
event can end with a decision.
In the evidence the special role played by the facts. In the discussion of the
case it is desirable that the participants learned to operate many different types of