Стр. 33 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Enhancing the role of the regions in the regulation of innovation means creat-
ing a single information educational space and its integration into the system of inter-
national and interregional relations [4: 31]. To realize that it is advisable for the Min-
istry of Education and Science to provide higher schools with the opportunity to de-
velop their educational standards, that will be their «firm’s offer» of educational ser-
vices in the market. The university management should get the right to determine
necessary material and technical base, to attract required professionals as well as to
enter into contracts with firms, departments and chairs. In general, such changes in
university management are aimed at creation of environment for active introduction
of new educational technologies, improving training and methodological support of the
innovation process, intensifying innovative pedagogical thinking [5: 124], [6: 369].
As a conclusion it should be stressed that the most important feature of innova-
tion activity regulation at university is innovative thinking, which it is necessary to
formed at subjects of this activity. It is a cognitive activity which involves teachers
themselves, and associated with the reflection and refraction of received information
through the prism of educational innovation. In other words, innovative pedagogical
thinking is the internal engine of innovation, which makes it truly irreversible and
self-reproducing. At the same time, the formation of innovative pedagogical thinking
is the starting point of innovations implementation in training of students at higher
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