Стр. 32 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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and versatility of innovations today involves the organization of team work and regu-
lar contact between teachers.
The solution of these problems we propose to carry out on the basis of three
groups of principles.
1. Considering individual and personal requirements of each subject of innova-
tion activity in higher education - university teacher - in the formation of innovative
pedagogical thinking.
2. Consistency and coherence as an interconnected complex of functionally
correlated components that provide targeted acquisition by teacher - innovators of
content knowledge and skills learned in a particular order, necessary for innovation
3. Integration of the content of traditional and innovative pedagogical
knowledge in educational activity: the first plays an important role in the formation of
the basis of pedagogical thinking; the second contributes to the development of inno-
vative thinking. It promotes the formation of system understanding of university in-
novation for teachers, and their knowledge of this matter will not be fragmented, but
will develop into a single scientific picture.
At the second stage
of innovative pedagogical thinking formation assimilation
of generalized information about the events, categories, laws and regularities of inno-
vation activity in higher education takes place. That is we are considering assimila-
tion of acquired knowledge about innovations in educational process. This assimila-
tion is determined by the necessity of the teacher himself in this or that kind of in-
formation, and his intellectual and moral readiness for its perception. Thus, we be-
lieve it is very important to create conditions for a need in various kinds of
knowledge concerning innovations in this very process.
Final (the third) stage
of innovative pedagogical thinking formation is the im-
plementation of new knowledge and skills in practice of university teachers. Such an
important element of innovative pedagogical thinking as feedback should be empha-
sized here. It can be seen in teachers’ ability to implement their educational innova-
tions, formed skills through the upgrade to the next level of teaching.
There is a strong necessity in regulation of innovation activity development at
higher school in Russia. It must be based on legally fixed regulatory mechanisms of
assessment and incentive of educational innovations, by increasing the budget fund-
ing of universities, by making the Russian system of higher education open, by the
transition from the remaining budgeting to investing in it. This, in turn, requires the
rejection of measuring the quality of higher education only in quantitative character-
istics and «matching» with educational standards, the implementation of changes
from the «top» of university system, through legislative measures.