Стр. 31 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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sequent events, to find links between them, as well as to predict possible trends of
their development - all this can do only the teacher - innovator in broad sense, regard-
less the specific content of his teaching activity. Professional with innovative think-
ing is able to see the problems of innovation activity in general, to highlight the steps
in the process of decision-making and to bring this process to its logical end [1: 15],
[2: 38]. He also needs to foresee the consequences of innovation in the educational
process, not only for each student, but also for the university as a whole.
Innovative pedagogical thinking is a complex phenomenon, and the process of
its formation involves several steps. In our opinion, it cannot be reduced neither to
the peculiarities of pedagogical reality nor purely to psychological and physiological
processes, as it combines the totality of these elements.
Formation of innovative pedagogical thinking begins with
the first stage
- ac-
quaintance of innovative activity subjects - higher school teachers - with educational
innovations, laws and regulations of their formation, theory and innovation categories
that is all which constitutes the environment where the innovation activity takes
place. As a result it is possible to develop a number of thinking processes, which in-
clude concepts, reasoning and judgment, which is a reflection of reality. These mental
processes reflect the essential natural relations of various educational innovations.
Categories and laws of innovations reflect general, external sides of innovation
activity as an object of human «thorough thinking». With their help the subjects of
innovation activities at higher institutions pass from the outer to inner essence of in-
novation, making the transition from the knowledge of new products as a phenome-
non to understanding of innovation process as a whole [3: 25]. To achieve this goal it
is necessary to solve the following problems:
- to form an idea of innovative thinking as common for higher school teachers
of any specialty. This is connected with the necessity to ensure the integrity of inno-
vative activity, both within the higher education in general and the specific institu-
tion, in particular;
- to develop ideas and concepts about the nature and specifics of innovation
process development, about the main problems of modern university innovations,
about interactions between different elements of innovative educational system (for
example, «teacher – student», «higher school – teacher», «higher school – college»,
etc.). In addition, for the development of innovative pedagogical thinking university
teachers should distinguish such categories, laws and phenomena, by figuring out
substantial and accidental matters in them;
- to form the skills of non-standard solutions of problems in the innovative ac-
tivity of the university. In many ways, to realize that it is important to achieve a posi-
tive attitude towards innovation in teaching staff of the university, as the complexity