Стр. 29 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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classroom equipment with mass access to the Internet, replication of training materi-
als on disks, creation of electronic libraries with access via the Internet and so on.
Social and pedagogical direction
which is associated with increased effi-
ciency of innovations’ diffusion in the educational system of universities. Among the
factors operating within this area, we include:
- corresponding training and methodological support of the educational process
with the development of computer technology, universal usage of the Internet [4:20],
[5:36], [6:63], [7:25];
- taking into account world changing trends in the quality of higher education,
its individualization and creativity;
- improvement of organizational and administrative mechanisms, through
which planning, development and implementation of innovations, control of innova-
tive activity of individual university employees and its departments, the adjustment of
their actions are carried out [8:47], [9:53];
- enhancing the role of non-material incentives of active innovators among
university teachers [10:29], providing more rights and powers for some workers than
others, in particular, for participation in the management team, in decision-making,
the prospects for professional growth, in opportunities to be engaged in prestigious
forms of labor at higher school (for example, the post of Deputy Head of the Depart-
ment, Rector Advisor, etc.).
Summing up, the factors slowing down the development of these directions of
innovations are found in certain innovation problems connected with organizational,
pedagogical and personal issues of the educational process.
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3. Жиронкина О.В. Мониторинг процесса формирования общекультурной
компетенции студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «экономика
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