Стр. 28 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Today, educational innovations are increasingly becoming an integral part of
educational activities and, at the same time, the basic guideline for its development.
The introduction of educational innovation is an important factor for the development
of the system of professional and common cultural competences of students [1:10],
[2:38], [3:6]. However, for innovation to acquire a dominant form in Russian higher
education, it is necessary to establish an effective system of regulation of higher edu-
cation innovation. This in turn means defining the main directions of development of
this system, the disclosure of slowing down factors of their implementation.
The main directions of innovation activity regulation in Russian higher educa-
tion are:
Pedagogical direction
which is associated with the introduction of innova-
tive teaching technologies, new methods of teaching at higher institutions, with the
review of approaches to the assessment of innovation performance (through the use
of innovative activity monitoring, the development of new assessment criteria).
Psychological direction
which is associated with the removal of teachers and
educational workers prejudice as against a particular innovation, as the innovations in
general. To overcome this phenomenon, in turn, it is necessary to intensify the for-
mation of innovative pedagogical thinking, to use moral incentives, connected with
recognition of the achievements of university innovators, especially their creative
abilities and skills. This includes the development of creative abilities of higher
school employees through their scientific work, the defense of a thesis, improving
teaching methods. Implementation of moral incentives is aimed at providing positive
moral and ethical climate in the team, proper choosing and placement of personnel,
Economic direction
in the frame of which material basis for the formation
and implementation of educational, organizational, informational grounds of univer-
sity innovation is created. This direction, in turn, includes such regulation factors of
innovation activity at higher school as:
expansion of extra-budgetary funds inflow into higher school. At the initial
stage of development of innovative activity in a particular institution, we believe to
be appropriate the development of, first of all, in-house training, the use of scientific
and methodological potential of the teaching staff for the organization of training
courses, business schools, etc. that do not require significant start-up costs for new
- reallocation of budgetary and extra-budgetary funding in favor of material in-
centives for subjects of innovative process, the formation of material and technical
base necessary for its development;
- creation of a new material-technical base of innovative activity at the univer-
sity, including modern computer, multimedia equipment, means of communication,