Стр. 18 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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As can be concluded from Diagram 2, the graduate students’ level of
knowledge is not high, but there is a simple explanation to it, as they don't pay atten-
tion to independent studying (only 20 per cent of the student revise the language ma-
terial). And the key to success undoubtedly consists in everyday training.
The general knowledge questions about the number of languages in the world,
the most spoken language, etc. were not answered correctly by many respondents.
Now even more often than English, Chinese acts on the international scene [2].
Therefore the knowledge of it can be very useful. We believe that more advanced
study of some cultural aspects of foreign languages at the Master Degree level might
bring a lot of good to our future experts and scientists.
On the whole, it is possible to draw the following conclusions. The process of
learning foreign languages is favorable to development of mental capacities that al-
lows understanding other subjects and sciences easier. Studying of a non-native lan-
guage demands storing and understanding thousands of new words therefore memory
and thinking are being trained. All this positively affects the general condition of
psychological, intellectual and physical health.
Learning other languages gives the opportunity to see the world from a differ-
ent perspective as it is impossible to understand why people of other countries speak
and behave this or that way without having plunged into their culture, customs, tradi-
Войтович И. K. Иностранные языки в контексте непрерывного об-
разования / под ред. Т. И. Зелениной. – Ижевск: Изд-во «Удмуртский универси-
тет», 2012. – 212 с.