Стр. 17 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Foreign language competence is an irreplaceable component of education for
successful people. The language skill point now always occurs in questionnaires of
personnel departments of the public and commercial institutions. Those who know at
least one foreign language impress employers.
Assessment survey among students of the Kemerovo technological institute of
the food industry has been carried out with the aim to analyze the students’ attitude to
the issue. The respondents were 63 graduate students of the faculty of magistracy and
postgraduate study. The majority of respondents (92 %) learn English as a foreign
language, 5% of the undergraduates interviewed study German, 3 % learn two for-
eign languages. Many students prefer to master English as a language of international
The main issue responded in the poll was - «A role of foreign-language educa-
tion in the modern world». The most popular answer to the question: why I learn a
foreign language was «the necessity for general development» - 76%, «for acquisi-
tion of a profession» - 24%. About 25% of students realize that languages need to be
learned both for a general development, and for acquisition of a profession.
When asked about the longevity of learning the language more than 80% of the
graduate students chose the answer: «6 years and more. The period of learning from 2
to 5 years corresponds to 16.7% of all respondents, and the period of less than 1 year
was chosen by 3.3% of learners».
Looking at Diagrams 1 and 2, a certain contradiction can be seen between the
desire to have a good command of a language and the self-esteem level concerning
the language competence.