Стр. 12 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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classification of lexical and graphical shortenings. Lexical shortenings may consist of
a part or parts of one word. There are different ways of clipping so we can indicate
the following kinds of lexical abbreviations [2]:
Apocope is a lexical abbreviation, when the beginning of the word is
saved and the end is deleted (e.g. edu < education; sci - science; mom < moment;
sig< signature file; esc < escape; exch < exchange; disco <discoteque; expo < exposi-
Apheresis is a lexical abbreviation, when there is a loss of one or more
sounds from the beginning of the word (e.g. copter < helicopter; we < weekend;) [5].
Syncope is a lexical abbreviation, when the interior sounds of a word is
lost (e.g. Inet < Internet; maths < mathematics).
The combination of apocope with apheresis is the case, when the begin-
ning and the end of the word is lost (e.g. grats < congratulations)
Graphical abbreviations are usually used in written speech rather than in oral.
There are several types of graphical abbreviations such as [2]:
Alphabetism is a kind of graphical abbreviation, when a word is formed
from the initial letters of words in combination (e.g. asap < as soon as possible; btw <
by the way; istm < it seems to me; atw < at the weekend; iow < in other words; afk<
away from keyboard; brb< be right back).
Initial abbreviation is a graphical abbreviation in which the first element
is a letter and a second is a complete word (e.g. e-mail < electronic mail; e-book <
electronic book).
Phonoideogram is a graphical abbreviation that is formed by a part of the
word and the remaining part expressed by a letter or a figure (e.g. by a letter: u < you;
y? < why?; k/kk < okay; сu < see you; by a figure: 2bctnd < to be continued; t2ul8r <
talk to you later; s2s < skin to skin; n8 <night; 2L8< too late).
Latin abbreviation – graphical abbreviations of latin origin (e.g. etc. < et
cetera = «and the others «; p.m. < post meridiem = «after midday «; vs< versus =
«against «).
Besides the above mentioned types, there are the bordering classes of abbrevia-
tions between two main types, which called – initialisms and acronyms. Initialism is a
type of a shortening of a words combination with alphabetical reading (e.g. BBC <
British Broadcasting Corporation; OEM < original equipment manufecturer; USA <
United States of America) [5]. Acronym is a type of an abbreviation of a words com-
bination that is pronounced as a word (e.g. GIF < graphics interchange format;
NATO < North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, AIDS < acquired immune deficiency
syndrome) [2].
The analysis of factual material shows that in the Internet conversations all
types of abbreviations are represented. But it's possible to point out the most popular