Стр. 11 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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УДК 81
Ратникова В.Е., студентка, Певнева И.В., канд. фил. наук, доцент,
Кемеровский институт (филиал) Российского Экономического
Университета им. Г.В. Плеханова
Ratnikova V.E., student, Pevneva I.V., Ph.D, associate professor,
Kemerovo institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
В статье рассматриваются особенности употребления сокращений в ин-
тернет дискурсе. Описываются виды и формы аббревиатур в историческом раз-
резе и с позиции экономии языковых средств в современном виртуальном об-
Nowadays we meet a great number of different abbreviations in the language
of scientific, technological and commercial context. The process of their spreading is
quite obvious. The reason is a rapid development of science and technology as well
as people's intention to speed up their life. Most of the terms and collocations are
bulky. That's why there appears a task to shorten them and, consequently, to create a
new terminology with its rules and classification of the shorten forms. A lot of differ-
ent abbreviations can be met in the World Wide Web such as «IDK «, «ASAP « and
sticky word - «LOL «. A person with lack of knowledge in this area will have some
problems with understanding his or her interlocutor in chat rooms and forums. For
instance, if you take your chances to become acquainted with a foreigner, the first
question you might be asked is «ASL? «. By the term «abbreviation « we understand
a shortened form of a word or phrase used mainly in writing to represent the complete
form [2]. Abbreviations have a long history. In classical Rome and Greece shortening
the words to single letters was a common thing and almost in all inscriptions there
was at least one abbreviation [3]. In the English language abbreviations appeared
quite long ago. They were found in some manuscripts and poems. The simplification
in the 15th through 18th centuries showed a great tendency in the use of
abbreviations, they even became fashionable [4]. By the end of 20
century after the
invention of telephoning and the spread of electronic communication, the popularity
of shortenings reached its peak. It is quite understandable since at that time SMS, for
example, supported only 160 symbols [1].
Having analyzed the group of different abbreviations, which are commonly
used in the Internet discourse it became possible to create the following linguistic