Стр. 110 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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the following indicators: food, physical activity, the presence or absence of bad hab-
its, activities in a free time.
We carried out a survey among adolescents from 11 to 16 at school number 48
in Kemerovo. 45 pupils participated in the survey. It is known that during this period
there is an intensive maturation of the human body. It is characterized by sharp endo-
crine shifts, changes in the functional state of all organs and systems, intensive
growth of all the organs and tissues of the body, increased excitability of the nervous
system and fatigue during mental and physical activities [1]. Initially we wanted to
know how the pupils themselves assess the state of their health. The survey showed
that 67% of respondents believed that their health was satisfactory, 31% thought that
it was good and 2% was sure that it was excellent.
One of the major factors affecting human health is proper nutrition. Normal
growth and development of the child depend primarily on how the body is provided
with the necessary nutrients. The basic principle of the nutrition organization is a
regular meal after a certain period of time. The survey showed that 33% of pupils
tried to eat properly; 26% sometimes forgot to eat during the day or ate once a day,
44% ate only what they considered as the most delicious and did not follow the time.
Meals should be varied. If the food includes eggs, milk, cheese, vegetables,
fruits, cereals, bread, the body gets all the necessary without any additional efforts.
The survey results showed that 64% of students ate sandwiches with tea for breakfast,
23% – porridge, cottage cheese, or eggs, and 13% did not have breakfast.
According to the WHO 80% of all diseases in varying degrees are caused by
our diet and 40% of them are connected with it directly. Its irregularity and imbal-
ance, stress and lack of time is a part of the lifestyle of modern man, including
schoolchildren. Meanwhile this entails a lot of problems from the general decline in
the immune defense of the body to the development of serious pathologies of the gas-
trointestinal tract.
The second component of a healthy lifestyle is physical activity. The life of
modern man especially in cities is characterized by a lack of physical activity. Pupils
have to spend much time sitting at their desks. Watching TV, computer games in-
crease pupils’ immobility.
According to the survey only 33% of pupils regularly participate in sports and
attend sports clubs. 35% are engaged in physical labor on a daily basis and 20% of
pupils are not engaged in it at all. The good news is that most children are able and
like to ride bikes, skates, skis, roller skates but unfortunately they do not do it regu-
larly. Only 24% of children prefer active rest.
In conclusion we note that all the adolescents realize how important for a per-
son to be healthy to live a long and interesting life, to be beautiful and strong and in