Стр. 109 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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It’s impossible to save from the noise completely but we can reduce its influ-
ence on us and people around.
I hope that people will take care of their health, trying to expose themselves to
harmful influence of noise as little as possible.
УДК 371.7
Мирошин Е., учащийся, Мельников В. А., учитель физической культуры,
МБОУСОШ № 48, г. Кемерово, Мирошина Т.А., канд. пед. наук, доцент,
Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт,
Miroshin E., pupil, Melnikov V.A., teacher of physical training, school № 48,
Kemerovo, language adviser Miroshina T.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
В статье рассматриваются основные факторы, влияющие на здоровье че-
ловека, а так же на продолжительность и качество жизни. Представлены ре-
зультаты опроса учащихся 11-16 лет, которые оценивали состояние своего здо-
ровья, организацию питания и своего досуга. Делается вывод, что все ребята
понимают, как человеку важно быть здоровым и заботиться о здоровье самому
с ранних лет.
Health status of the younger generation in this country in recent years has be-
come a major public problem, the solution of which depends largely on the future
economic and social well-being of society.
According to statistics, the total incidence of adolescent children has increased
by 24.1% over the past 5 years in Russia. Numerous recent studies stated that health
status of children and adolescents had a negative trend during the schooling [2]. By
the end of training 70% of teenagers have limitations in the choice of profession for
health reasons, the level of suitability for serving in the army does not exceed 50-
70%, and 60% of girls finish school with chronic diseases. According to WHO, the
main factors that affect human health, as well as duration and quality of life are ge-
netics and heredity, a way of life, the external and the natural environment, the level
of public health care. Our lifestyle plays a key role in this list. Human health status
depends on the lifestyle by 50%; heredity affects health by 20%, the environment by
20%, medicine by 10%.
Lifestyle is a way of life aimed at ensuring the optimal functioning of the hu-
man body by means of rational behavior. The lifestyle of a person is characterized by