Стр. 108 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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A questionnaire was offered to the students of our Institute, including the ques-
tions, which were given the following answers to:
1. Which music direction do you prefer?
Rock - 28%, rap – 15.4 %,
pop - 54%,
classic music – 2.6%
2. Do you switch on music while doing your homework?
Yes - 51%, no - 38%, some-
times -11%
3. How do you prefer to listen to music
(by means of loudspeakers, earphones)?
Loudspeakers – 5.5%, ear-
phones – 61.2%, both loud-
speakers and
earphones – 33.3%
4. Does an outside noise irritate you?
Yes – 61.5%, no – 20.5%,
sometimes – 18%.
5. Can you ignore surrounding noise?
Yes – 69.2 %, no – 23%,
sometimes – 7.8%
6. The level of noise in the cities constantly increases. Are you
worried about it? Do you think that it can lead to sad consequences?
Yes – 33 %. No – 67%.
The results are not comforting. Most students like to listen to hard music (rock,
rap, pop) which irritates ear membranes most of all. The most favourable music, un-
fortunately, is on the last place. As many students listen to music while doing their
homework, the quality of their mental activity reduces sharply.
Most students prefer to listen to music by means of earphones, and it’s harmful
because the sound disperses, which affects ear membranes more, in contrast to loud-
speakers (at equal volume).
It’s a pity that many people are not concerned with an important problem of
constant increasing of noise level in the cities, which can lead to sad consequences.
There are the recommendations which can help conserve hearing, not to suffer
from deafness, overwork, headache, depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular
diseases in the old age.
1. Don’t speak too loud (don’t cry) during the breaks.
2. Don’t switch the TV set, radio and so on too loud.
3. Don’t listen to music by means of earphones for a long time, otherwise with
the age you will have to use a hearing apparatus.
4. Try to stand as far as possible from the loudspeakers at the disco.
5. Spend your weekends in nature («listen to silence»).
6. If your future profession is connected with the noisy production, use ear-
7. Protect your future house with soundproof materials and surround with
«green zone».
8. Be patient to the people having a diminished hearing.