Стр. 107 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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the sound level of 10–60 dB, the noise more than 50–60 dB is harmful for nervous
system, and maximum discomfort starts at the noise more than 80 dB. Even low
loudness level prevents concentration of the attention during mental activity. Music,
even very quiet, reduces attention – it should be taken into account while doing one’s
homework. When the sound becomes louder, the organism produces many stress
hormones, for example, adrenalin. Herewith blood vessels gets narrower, the func-
tioning of intestines becomes slower. Further on it all can lead to heart functioning
and blood circulation disturbance. These are the cause of at least every tenth heart at-
To reduce noise pollution the trees are planted in the cities, motor-ways are
built outside the city, air flights above the cities are forbidden at the altitude of less
than 11 km. The construction of a modern automobile has a means of reducing noise
pollution level. In the territory of housing estate in the daytime the noise must be not
more than 50-60 dB.
A player has become quite a widespread thing in our life, first of all, for teen-
agers and young people. This device has a number of indisputable benefits: portabil-
ity, possibility of listening to information on the journey without disturbing people
around. Excessive listening to music and other sound information by means of ear-
phones is a serious risk factor for hearing of a young person. Listening to music by
means of earphones constantly, a young person is insensibly becoming deaf and
gradually increases volume till the dangerous level.
For all living organisms, including human, a sound is one of the impacts of the
environment. A quiet rustle of leaves, stream purl, birds’ voices, a light water splash
and noise of beating waves are always pleasant to a man. They calm him down, get
stress away. It is used in the medical establishments, the rooms of psychological re-
lax. But natural sounds of nature become rarer and rarer, disappear at all or are sup-
pressed by industrial, transport and other noises.
A constant noise causes psychic tension, prevents sleeping, and leads to hear-
ing injury, neurosis, reduction of mental activity.
A noise has an accumulative effect, that is, noise pollution gradually oppresses
nervous system. That’s why before hearing loss from noise impact a functional dis-
turbance of a central nervous system occurs.
It is set that noise reduces labour productivity. The scientists estimated that
people working at great noise spend, at least, the tenth part of their energy on ignor-
ing this noise. Accuracy of work suffers, reactions slow down.
Thus, it’s necessary to take measures to limit noise load on our psychic. Noise
as a rule is done by a man, that’s why a man can reduce it.