Стр. 106 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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All over the world the efficiency of using the renewable sources of energy are
being analyzed. The global leaders in applying the solar and wind energy are the
USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, and India. Also there are active devel-
opments in the countries having climatic features similar to Moscow region, such as
The usage of sunlight and sun heat is an environmentally-friendly, simple and
natural way of getting all kinds of energy necessary to us. With the help of solar col-
lectors we can provide our dwelling houses and industrial enterprises with heat and
hot water.
УДК 619:614
Манчалмаа Л.С., студентка, Белоус И.О., ст. преподаватель,
Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт
L.S. Manchalmaa, a student, I.O. Belous, a teacher,
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
Шум довольно распространен в наши дни. Наиболее распространённые
симптомы шумового влияния – раздражительность, рассеянность. Шумовое за-
грязнение ограничивает продолжительность труда, приводит к преждевремен-
ному расстройству и разрушению слухового аппарата, вызывает у человека
различные болезни: тугоухость, глухота, неврозы, психические расстройства,
сердечно-сосудистые заболевания (гипертония, аритмия), нарушения нервной
системы и др. Шум обостряет хронические заболевания.
The noise is the sound in which the change of the acoustical pressure perceived
with our ears is irregular and repeats in different time intervals. In nature we can meet
the noise not very often: thunder, volcanic eruption, earthquake, etc.
The scientists use such a term as «noise pollution» – the noise perceived by a
human being as disturbance, one of the variants of physical environmental pollution.
Depending on the level and time length noise pollution can harm human health and it
is one of the problems of city and industrial enterprises ecology.
The unit of measurement of noise pollution is decibel. Whisper is 20-40 dB,
common talking – 50-70 dB, transport noise of a highway – 120 dB, and aircraft en-
gine noise – 130 dB. Sleep disturbance is noticed at the noise pollution more than 35
dB, productive mental activity reduction – at 55 dB, hearing injury – at 70 dB. From
the hygienic point of view a relatively comfortable acoustical level is considered at