Стр. 103 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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and eat those products which don’t overload your organism but give strength and en-
ergy. Let’s learn how to have a correct breakfast:
The ideal time for breakfast is considered to be 7-8 o’clock a.m., but not
later than 9-10 a.m.
In order to feel hungry before breakfast do, first, your morning exercises.
A healthy breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fibre.
The most useful products for breakfast are vegetables and fruit cooked in
any way, cereal grains, milk products, products rich in proteins (cheese, eggs).
Positive emotions also play not the last role during meal.
The norm of calories consumed for a day depends on sex, age and gender, as
well as on physical activity of a person. It’s necessary to consume
1100–1200 calo-
a day and if you limit their quantity you consume insufficient amount of
mins, minerals
(for example, iron and calcium).
What should your breakfast consist of?
Whole grain porridge
– choose not a sweet one, it contributes to keeping your
weight within the norm. Porridge with skim or soy milk and fresh fruit significantly
increases the amount of consumed potassium, fibre, folic acid, magnesium, calcium
and vitamin B group. You shouldn’t add sugar into your porridge at all, or you may
just add only one spoon of sugar. Also it’s necessary to eat different kinds of por-
ridge: rice, buckwheat and oat porridges which contain carbohydrates contributing to
energetic start of the day.
Sandwiches –
an ideal breakfast is a sandwich with butter, tomatoes and
cheese. You’d better use bread from whole-grain or rye flour for sandwiches. Take
away meat paste from your feeding ration, as it contains saturated fat. Honey and jam
are able to provide your organism with carbohydrates and energy. Add them into
curds and cookies, fruit salads and drinks. Besides honey helps get rid of stress and
increases immunity.
Citrous fruit and juice
are compulsory in the menu of a healthy breakfast, as
they contain vitamin С and other nutritious substances. Try to eat fruit at least three
times a day, beginning with breakfast.
are just a wonderful source of protein, as well as they are rather low-
calorie. Cook boiled and fried eggs, omelettes. They contain harmless dose of choles-
terol, only 213 mg.
But there is one problem: we all know that a student is always short of money
to have a good breakfast. That’s why we got used to the packets with fast boiled noo-
dles, potatoes and other chemical substances, as well as to the snack with sandwiches
as a dinner, which worsens our health.