Стр. 102 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Oхрана окружающей среды и здоровья человека
Environmental protection and human health preservation
Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz
УДК 615.874.2
Кадочников В.А., студент, Белоус И.О., ст. преподаватель,
Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт
V.A. Kadochnikov, a student, I.O. Belous, a teacher,
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
В статье рассматривается, каким должен быть завтрак студента исходя из
потребностей организма и норм правильного питания. Правильный завтрак –
это очень важно. Завтрак должен быть полноценным и сбалансированным, по-
этому важно правильно подбирать продукты для него.
Most modern students got used to having meals when they want or when they
have such a possibility. That’s why they have so little time, especially for healthy nu-
trition. Many choose having a meal once a day. To have a good breakfast is not a
habit at all, as a rule, everything that most students may have for breakfast is drinking
tea or coffee, and some can eat also a sandwich with sausage or just a white bread
toast. A well-balanced breakfast is very important. Everybody has heard of it but little
students pay attention to it – they think their study is more important. As it turned
out, the students, having a good, well-balanced early meal, study better than the rest.
Of course, the quality of food plays a great role. A significant part of students eats
sweets and chips; however it has no positive effect, rather on the contrary. And as for
what really has a positive effect on progress in studies, it’s porridge, milk products,
fruit and vegetables. In other words, breakfast won’t have a favourable effect if it
consists only of carbohydrates. It’s necessary to have a well-balanced, correct nutri-
tion. By the way, it’s girls who should remember that all the most useful products
should be eaten in the morning for them to be assimilated better and to serve the
girls’ beauty. They say that an incorrect supper contributes to the problems with your
figure, and an incorrect breakfast worsens the state of skin and hair. Thus, you’d bet-
ter listen to the opinion of those who call the breakfast a base of beauty and health