Стр. 101 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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their businesses. This also has a negative influence on the basic finance indicators of
the company. Current liabilities of «Magnit» also reduced, partly by selling property,
plant and equipment.
In conclusion, having analyzed operating and investing activities of PJSC
«Magnit», it is an obvious fact that the company has suffered several difficulties.
During the considered period, particularly in 2015, revenue reduced by 14%. Also
there has been a disposal of property, but sales still continue decreasing year after
year. Definitely, operating activity is not at its best state which is not surprising.
However, «Magnit» is without doubt still remaining viable and sustainable company
that is capable of doing its business activities at the highest level.
1. Финансовая отчетность ПАО «Магнит» за 2013-2015 гг.