Стр. 89 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Ishac Adizes, Ph.D. has offered the styles of management as combination of
four function:
Producing (P) – production outstanding results;
Administrating (A) – administration, the optimum order in the processes;
Entrepreneurial (E) – innovation, change management and forecasting, search
of new solution;
Integration (I) – integrating the company, creating pleasant atmosphere for em-
He allocates four management styles depending on the dominating function:
1. Producer (Paei)
2. Administrator (pAei)
3. Entrepreneur (paEi)
Integration (paeI)
The capital letters (P, A, E, I) in a code show, that function is performed per-
fectly by manager. Lowercase letters (p, a, e, i) mean, that function is performed sat-
So, a producer is focused on the result depending on degree of the satisfaction
of the customer needs. A producer is productive, competent and pragmatic manager.
An administrator should be able to optimize and minimize the organizational
resources. He or she should also organize the entire process of managing the organi-
zation, streamline it, determine and prescribe the rights and duties of all managers
and employees. These two types of leaders already can ensure the organization’s suc-
cessful functioning, but they can’t provide its development, adaptation to the chang-
ing conditions in the market and in the business environment.
An entrepreneur knows how to invent and successfully implement new plans
and ideas. Such a manager is often not only loved, but also worried about, because
they can completely rethink everything, and offer something very creative. The pres-
ence of such ideas allows any organization to go further and develop.
An integrator is the leader, who can create common traditions, values, corpo-
rate culture of the organization. He or she defines a common strategic goal for all
employees, creates conditions for their collaboration and maintains unity in the or-
According to I. Adizes, there are a lot of types of a PAEI code. But an ideal
manager, performing all four functions simultaneously, doesn’t exist. To be a really
effective manager it’s necessary to be able to perform satisfactorily at least three
functions and one function - perfectly.
We consider that it’s necessary to have several effective managers who are car-
rying out each of management functions. Having all the above-mentioned qualities