Стр. 88 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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The faculty of economics provides us with basic understanding of economic
processes. It prepares graduates for entry into business, entrepreneurial ventures and
advanced studies. Study’s area includes Economics, Management, Marketing, Busi-
ness communication and many others.
The course of Management gives basic skills needed by managers, decision-
making techniques and knowledge of leadership styles/ etc. The future managers
learn to coordinate available recourses. For example, the course of human recourses
management provides students with an opportunity to analyze organization’s work-
force. The course of production management studies quantitative methods for solving
problems of goods and services production.
A manager is a person who motivates the subordinates so that performance of
their duties connected the staff and defined the objectives that should be implemented
in the company. Based on the definition, it becomes clear, that a manager must have a
lot of various skills, qualities and characteristics.
So, if you want to become a manager, it’s important to develop social skills of
motivation and communication, because it’s necessary to inspire and lead people. Al-
so you should be rational and smart as a manager develops strategies, plans, realizes
tactics and allocates recourses of people and money. What is more, you have to man-
age your time effectively, as the better you get at managing time, the more effective
you will be as a manager. You must have different approaches and methods of man-
agement that depend on experience that is accumulated over years of practice. Also
you should be able to relax and «recharge your batteries» as you are less productive
as a manager if you are over-stressed. Believe it or not, but it’s important to have
such skills and qualities as durability, sociability, accountability, fairness, compe-
tence, subordination, politeness, anti-conflict, extensiveness of knowledge, adaptabil-
ity, organizing, planning, controlling, integration etc.
Obviously, a manager can be both a woman and a man, but not everyone can
be an effective manager, because he or she must have a lot of different acquired and
congenital characteristics. It’s a hard work, as it depends on both physical effort and
moral characteristics that is why not everyone is able to take responsibility for the or-
ganization’s vital activity as a whole, and of employees’ individual development.
The manager carries out management of the organization, depending on its
management style. There are traditional management styles such as authoritative,
democratic, laissez-faire and also behavior models of heads as, for example, the theo-
ry of X and the theory Y according to McGregor. But now the most popular classifi-
cation of management styles is the management methodology, developed by Dr.
Ichak Adizes.