Стр. 39 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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One of the important activities of Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute is in-
teraction and cooperation with rural schools. The forms of interaction are various:
guidance of the work of experimental plots in agrobiological profile, participation in
the regional project «Agroclasses» when the teachers of the Institute give lessons and
consultations to rural educational establishments’ pupils, as well as conducting theo-
retical and practical classes in the agrobiological grades according to the programmes
of the elective courses, for example, «Fundamentals of agronomy», «Fundamentals
of animal husbandry», «Fundamentals of farming», «Introduction into agribusiness»
and others.
The main aspect of the given activity of rural pupils should be involving them
into carrying out of experimental research work at all stages. Beginning with the re-
search plan developing, a scientific hypothesis formulating, the experiment and ob-
servation conducting, and finishing with the obtained data calculating, generalizing
and analyzing and compiling of the final work (report, article, theses, etc.). It’s desir-
able to connect the research with agriculture, and to devote them to the study of new
agricultural technologies, crops, the development of adaptive methods of agricultural
The final stage of the pupils’ research work is participation in the scientific and
practical student conferences held in Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute. The pu-
pils under tutorship of the heads of the school production team, the teachers of the
school and the Institute prepare the reports for presenting at the conference and the
articles for publication in the collection of the works of the young scientists and stu-
As a result of the work the regional practical seminars are organized and held
where master-classes are conducted with participation of the pupils studying in the
agrobiological grades and where the pupils present the results of their experimental
research work in the school plot and fields. The participation in the conferences and
seminars gives the pupils the experience of speaking on public, develops their com-
municative abilities and widens their outlook and circle of communication.
The pupils’ experimental research work allows improving production results of
the activity of the pupils’ production teams, contributes to distributing of advanced
experience in crop production among local producers [1, 6].
The work in the given direction opens the possibilities for, and also defines the
importance of social partnership between rural schools and higher and vocational ag-
ricultural educational establishments, as well as scientific research institutions on the
one hand and agricultural producers on the other hand, because it’s possible to con-
duct scientific research in the school fields on the initiative of the agricultural pro-